Data7 Exploratory Data Analysis in Unix Shell

By Greg T. Chism in Quarto

September 14, 2022

Exploratory data analysis is an essential first step towards determining the validity of your data and should be performed throughout the data pipeline. However, EDA is often performed too late or not at all.

Unix Shell is a command-line shell user interface for Unix-like operating systems. The shell is used by the operating system to control the execution of the system through shell scripts. Though Unix shell has limited mathematical capabilities it can be used to perform EDA. A major disadvantage however is that Unix shell cannot be used to perform statistical graphics and other data visualization methods. For this, I recommend either the R programming language, specifically through the RStudio IDE and ggplot2 from the tidyverse package suite, or Python, specifically the seaborn library.

Here, I utilize the Bash Unix Shell to conduct preliminary exploratory data analysis aimed at diagnosing any major issues within a data set stored in a directory. I introduce a clean and straightforward methodology to uncover issues such as data outliers, missing data, as well as summary statistical reports.

Posted on:
September 14, 2022
1 minute read, 174 words
Statistics Unix Shell
See Also:
Data7 Exploratory Data Analysis in Python Book
Data7 Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL
Data7 Exploratory Data Analysis in R Workshop Series